2016-01-31 14.17.34Ronda Bowen created the blog, Just a Secular Homeschooler, to be your resource to all things homeschooling. Whether you’re trying to figure out what the best math curriculum is for your student, or you’re looking to learn more about the different homeschooling styles, you will find support here. This is a blog dedicated to finding the best secular curriculum, sharing project ideas, and disseminating tips on how to balance homeschooling life with a career, marriage, and life outside of children.

Ronda Bowen started homeschooling her now teenage son 10 years ago when she was a single mom, following the classical method outlined by Jessie Wise and Susan Wise Bauer. While she found this method was a great way of educating her son, she found that there was an absence of quality secular materials geared for the needs of homeschooling parents. In order to make up for this gap, she found herself creating her own curriculum to meet the needs of her student. Now married and with a teenage son who has returned to public school, her focus has turned toward early childhood learning techniques for her toddler and infant, whom she plans to educate at home. She enjoys sharing the knowledge she has gained through homeschooling with other parents looking for a better way to educate theirĀ children. You can learn more about Ronda Bowen here.


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